Knock-Out!, the flagship event of the Magazine Committee, is an annually organized debate, in which the two participating teams of two speakers each, engage in intense deliberation and put forth their views on a contemporary matter, to win the vote of the House. Each team consists of a student and ex-student of GLC, who is a practicing advocate. The winner of the verbal battle is ultimately decided by the audience with the help of the moderator of the debate.
The topic for this year’s edition of the debate was ‘Whose Life is it Anyway? In recognition of the Right to Die, India must legalise passive euthanasia.’ Battling out this year for the proposition were ex-student, Advocate Ayushi Anandpara and final year student, Akshay Aurora, while ex-student , Advocate Malhar Zatakia and final year student, Oindree Bandyopadhyay fought on the side of the opposition. The moderator for the debate was Senior Counsel Mr. Iqbal Chagla.