Guidelines for Submissions Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year from members of the bar, legal professionals, law students, or others who are interested in publishing with us and wish to further legal discourse. If you are interested in submitting a piece, kindly fill this form Authors need to adhere to…
Cultural Integration and Antitrust Challenges In a Cross-Border Merger: An Analysis Vis-À-Vis Unsuccessful Merger of Publicis and Omnicom
Introduction Cross-border merger involves consolidation between companies incorporated across borders. It involves a lot of transactions and is proven to be a smart way for companies to enter international markets. It is a key strategy for growing the business, and realigning goals. Having said that, cross border mergers and transactions are quite complicated and require…
Introduction Assent to state bills under Article 200 of the Indian Constitution is one of the essential powers of a Governor in a state. While discharging their functions, constitutionally significant authorities like Governors are supposed to act according to the provisions of the Constitution and in the interests of the people. However, recently, the accusations…
Legalised “Murder” or Dignified Death?: The Disturbing Trend of Dying by Euthanasia
“No life that breathes with human breath has ever truly longed for death.” ~ Alfred Tennyson Abstract The news of a former Dutch Prime Minister opting for “Duo-Euthanasia” along with his wife has caught the eyes of the hoi polloi. This has triggered the wave of ‘romanticisation’ of Euthanasia and has brought into the limelight…
Beyond Limbo: Live-In Relationships in India
Introduction “In the realm of relationships, legality shouldn’t dictate validity” Almost every religion recognises the sanctity of marriage, from the Rig-Vedic period, marriage has been a well-recognised institution. Live-in relationship is generally said to be living together without tying the knot. The Hindu Dharma’s ‘Ekapatni Vrat’ promotes monogamy as a sacred form of matrimony, but…
Sony-Zee Merger: Lessons Learned from a Stalled Unification
Introduction Sony and Zee’s attempt to revive their $10 billion merger deal has been encountering challenges. On February 20th, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. clarified that emerging reports of renewed negotiations with Sony to resurrect the called off deal are inaccurate. The company stated that it is currently not engaged in any discussions, indicating an impasse…
Who is a Bona Fide Passenger? Analyzing the Indian Railways Compensation Mechanism vis-à-vis Kamaukayi v. Union of India.
The Supreme Court delivered a significant decision in the case of Kamaukayi and Ors v. Union of India and Ors, concluding that whenever a “untoward incident” takes place during the course of routine railway operations, the railway administration will be required to compensate the passenger, regardless of any wrongdoing, negligence, or default on their part.…
Today – An Intern’s Reflection of Courtroom Contours
It is so windy, the fan moves by itself without electricity in the courtroom today It is so sleepy, my neck falls by itself without sleep deprivation in the courtroom today It is so plain the arguments feel like a lullaby today It is so mundane the whisper among oldies seems amusing today It is…
Things I didn’t know as a first-year law student
Being a first-generation law student, there were a lot of things that I did not know when I started law school. Some of them being specific to Mumbai, while some you just pick up as you go. Government Law College (GLC) is very unique, eccentric, to some extent, and that’s exactly its essence and peculiarity.…
Some thoughts on practicing law
Written by Ms. Preeti Sahai, Batch of 2018. Author’s note: I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that law school doesn’t quite prepare one for the actual practice of law. Most of the learning-teaching in law school is theory-oriented and exposure to practical aspects is usually relegated to the final year/semesters. And…
Writing like a Pro
Just before it was New Year’s celebration back in 2017, my TV-AV Club addict cousin forwarded nothing more than an authentic version of a WhatsApp text message wishing “Seasons Greetings!” along with an article that reflected his spurned deep love for Brian Callaghan of Montreal’s ‘chick-flick’ genre. Amongst other celebrities, Rich Fulcher in the interview…