We are the people of the world, the collective, the masses, the capitalists, the communal fascists.
We are you!
We are ready for action, for tragedy, for atrocity, hostility and fashion.
We are the impersonal!
We fight for causes and stand up in the streets.
We fight for clauses, throw stones and bombs and build tombs with our feet.
We are a greedy fat man standing in queue; unnoticed, a ‘nobody’, a slob.
We are nameless so that we can be shameless.
We are the mob, the headless God.
We are blameless!

Debates, chat shows, votes of the public and no opinion of our own.
Online indulgence, typing thoughts borrowed from a borrower; selected and thoroughly plagiarized thoughts.

Do’s and ought’s, typed- copied, copied- pasted, pasted- passed, passed and unprinted pages of a virtual web, denser than the dark ages.
Thoughts we copyright, thoughts we own and thoughts we are not thinking alone.
We make news out of lipstick, travel and choice of ice cream,
Frivolous news that comes out of our pocket and leaves our nations starving.
We the people, we the classes, we the businessmen, we the poor;
We the people, whose self-worth rests on the opinion of others, on magazine covers, on how many more overs, on frequent lovers.

We the masses, the people, the system, the supporters, the obedient payers of taxes.
We are to blame, we should be ashamed.
We are the problem, we are the solution.
We should know who we are; oh! we could go so far.

Avrati Srivastava (V-III)